Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sunshine Sisters

A big thank you to "Gospelites" for sharing the gift of music with us at our "Good 'Ol Summertime" activity.  You were wonderful and your music lifted our spirits. Our message this month was to use music in your life to lift your spirits and help you be more productive and happy.  Thank you everyone for a great time!

School Supply Donations

Thank you once again Sunshine Sisters!

Yesterday we had an awesome Sunshine Sisters event where we collected both school supplies and supplies for newborn kits for the Yavapai County food bank.  Wow!  We received the following donations:  2280 sheets of filler paper; 1 ream copy paper; 36 notebooks; 11 composition books; 2 packages diviers; 4 binders; 15 report covers; 29 folders; 2 backpacks filled with school supplies; 8 highlighters 10 packages of markers; 7 packages of colored pencils; 3 school boxes; 50 erasers; 1 ruler; 76 pens; 3 calculators; 900 index cards; 5 pencil sharpeners; 3 rolls tape; 419 pencils; 2 hand sanitizers; 3 boxes tissue; 1 small packages tissue; 3 packages of post-it notes; 3 packages watercolor paints; 18 pairs scissors; 56 glue sticks; 2 bottles of glue; 1000 stickers; 1 package construction paper; foamies for art;42 packages of crayons; 7 blankets/quilts and 7 lotions/powders.  Great job sisters.  This will be a great blessing to many.  You are the best!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

31+Singles Activity for July

Please meet at the "city parking" circled above on Willis for the Prescott Art Walk on July 24th at 6 pm.  Come enjoy a wonderful time together.  For more details check out the website.